Category Archives: trust

Here Goes Nothing…


I have been putting the whole starting a blog off for a long time. I keep saying to myself that I will start a blog eventually, and then I never do. I start to make one and get stuck trying to find the perfect title for it, knowing full well there is never going to be a perfect name. So I go back to doing my other typical monotonous activities that allow me to run away from the important things in my life, allow me to hide out for just a little bit longer. 
I have known for a while that I tend to idolize fear in my life. It slowly starts to take a hold of my heart, inching its grimy fingers slowly but surely around my heart until, more often than not, it overtakes me and I end up giving in to its grip. I am so prone to letting fear grip my heart, which essentially paralyzes me and continuously speaks lies to me. 
I am afraid of vulnerability, of what others think of me. I am terrified to start this blog and put myself out there. There is a huge part of me that wants to, but a part of me that keeps screaming not to. It is screaming at me to run, to not tell my story, that no one else cares, that no one will read it, that people will think I am a bad writer. The list goes on.
I am going for it. I am going to step out and learn to not walk in fear, but to walk in the confidence that I was created not to be fearful, but to be courageous. I am loved and treasured by my God. Slowly I am learning what it means to be a daughter of the Most High King, to be valued, loved, and sought after.
I am learning to let go of my fear and to fall into the arms of grace, learning to trust and know that I am enough.